Thursday, September 24, 2009

Can I Find Acai Berry at Loblaws?

Ia acai berry available at Loblaws? Is acai berry sold at Whole Foods? Do they stock acai berry at the Safeway or Costco? I hear these questions all the time. Barely a few short months ago I would have had to answer in the negative. However, the answer has changed. Acai berry products have flooded the markets. One year ago it was difficult for me to find acai but now it is readily available in juice form, concentrate form and even acai capsule form.

I have also noticed that the price point of acai products has been reduced. Admittedly, acai was very expensive 12 months ago. It is now fairly affordable and I have even seen acai berry pills on sale at Shoppers Drug Mart.

Does this mean that the entire populace is able to have easy access to and enjoy the many health benefits of acai berry? Sadly, I don't think so. I fear that this is an example of marketing hype. Business has done market research and the market research has told them that acai is sexy and acai sells and acai will move their products off the shelves. In the interests of making lots of money and not in the interests of promoting the health of the consumer, food manufacturers have added a sprinkle of acai to various products.

The health benefits of acai berry are plentiful. In my opinion, everyone would enjoy better health if they were to include acai into their regular diet. However, adding, a an acai juice blend that is available at Loblaws is not going to do much for your health than other fruit juices. Be wary of acai marketing hype.

If you really want to enjoy the health benefits of acai but the real stuff. Go to your local health food store and ask someone who is knowledgeable about acai. Be prepared to pay a premium price. Acai berry concentrate is expensive but it lasts a long time.

So the answer is yes, you can buy acai berry at Loblaws and you can buy acai berry at Safeway. But you shouldn't.